1.4. Getting Started

Please refer to Installation to setup environment at first, and prepare ImageNet1K data by following the instruction mentioned in the data

1.4.1. Setup


export PYTHONPATH=path_to_PaddleClas:$PYTHONPATH

1.4.2. Training and validating

PaddleClas support tools/train.py and tools/eval.py to start training and validating. Training

# PaddleClas use paddle.distributed.launch to start multi-cards and multiprocess training.
# Set FLAGS_selected_gpus to indicate GPU cards

python -m paddle.distributed.launch \
    --selected_gpus="0,1,2,3" \
    tools/train.py \
        -c ./configs/ResNet/ResNet50_vd.yaml
  • log:
epoch:0    train    step:13    loss:7.9561    top1:0.0156    top5:0.1094    lr:0.100000    elapse:0.193

add -o params to update configuration

python -m paddle.distributed.launch \
    --selected_gpus="0,1,2,3" \
    tools/train.py \
        -c ./configs/ResNet/ResNet50_vd.yaml \
        -o use_mix=1 \
  • log:
epoch:0    train    step:522    loss:1.6330    lr:0.100000    elapse:0.210

or modify configuration directly to config fileds, please refer to config for more details.

use visuldl to visulize training loss in the real time

visualdl --logdir ./scalar --host <host_IP> --port <port_num> finetune

  • please refer to Trial for more details. validation

python tools/eval.py \
    -c ./configs/eval.yaml \
    -o ARCHITECTURE.name="ResNet50_vd" \
    -o pretrained_model=path_to_pretrained_models

modify `configs/eval.yaml filed: `ARCHITECTURE.name` and filed: `pretrained_model` to config valid model or add -o params to update config directly.

**NOTE: ** when loading the pretrained model, should ignore the suffix ```.pdparams```

## Predict

PaddlePaddle supprot three predict interfaces
Use predicator interface to predict
First, export inference model

python tools/export_model.py \
    --model=model_name \
    --pretrained_model=pretrained_model_dir \

Second, start predicator enginee:

python tools/infer/predict.py \
    -m model_path \
    -p params_path \
    -i image path \
    --use_gpu=1 \

please refer to inference for more details.